Week 2 Progress – Battered by Storms

Week 2 Progress

Week 2 Progress – I made it to the end of the Read Aloud! 🥳But now I have to go back to the start and do it all over again.

There were two semi-major changes I made during this edit, so now I need to circle back to the start and re-do the read-aloud to make sure I’ve not introduced any new errors.

Overall, the changes this week were much smoother, though it took a little bit of work in places to get the phrasing right. I’m hopeful that after the next few days of re-aloud, it should go much faster, and then I can jump into the Proof copy of book 2 and start looking for ARC readers – more info to follow later.

Book 1 also launched this week, so there were some mixed activities around that – A massive thank you to everyone who bought this book, and preordered the next ones 😍. If you missed it and want to find out more, you can find it here – https://books2read.com/Buried-by-earth

How has the last week gone for you?

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