It’s the end of quarter one and week 13 and it’s been an incredible start to the year with 2 books out and the third one ready to go in May – Check out the series here. I wrote multiple short stories, and started on my Death & Visions Series, blowing through book one and starting book 2. This has only been possible because of three years’ worth of work all coming together, but it’s still great to see it.
Last week I hit the 1/3 mark on book 2 of the Death and Visions Series, and it’s coming together nicely, if not always easily. I’ll be continuing to work on it for a few more weeks yet. I also managed to complete the proof edit of Book 3 of the Highland Rift Pack, and get that sent out to Beta readers. (Thank you to everyone who signed up)
I talked about doing an experiment last week and if you’re interested in learning more about that, check it out here.
What did I get done in week 13?
- Proof Edit of Book 3 Highland Rift Pack.
- ARC Copies of Book 3 (If you’re interested in becoming one, you can find out more here.)
- Continue edit of Broken Sight.
What’s coming next week?
- Continue edit of Broken Sight.