It’s done! I have finished the Proof edit of Books 1 and 2 of Rift Bloodlines (almost…). I bought Grammarly after I finished book 2 read aloud, so now I need to go back to book 1.

What did my proof edit of Rift Bloodlines 1 + 2 involve?
Each edit I’ve done has been slightly different, and this one is no exception. So what was my process for this edit?
Read aloud – Editing out clunky sentences and incorrect words.
Grammarly – I bought the year’s subscription and ran it through the whole of book 2 file. I should have done this first but didn’t have it when I did the read-aloud.
I now need to go back and do the same for book 1

Stats for Proof Edit of book 2
Book 1 will come in a separate post after I’ve done Grammarly
I didn’t estimate for this stage as I wasn’t sure how long it would take. My finger in the air was about two weeks, but that was before I added Grammarly edit, so it was longer than that.
- β 16 sprints to complete Grammarly Edit
- β 44 sprints to complete the read aloud
- βTotal =60 * 25m sprints
- π Final word count after both is 88165
- β‘30 Hours writing
- β‘2.5 weeks (24 sprints per week)
So what’s next? Finding a copy editor, and then I get to go back to book 1 and do a Grammarly edit on that