Week 4 progress – Changing projects

week 4

Week 4 started well, but I realised something was wrong as I began to re-read Book 4 of the Highland Rift Pack. The pieces of the start were okay, but I knew the order still needed to be changed. It was also missing something, and I got 80% of the way through reading it before I finally realised what it was. There was no action. I was so focused on fixing the romance that I forgot that this story needed more than just the couple being together and their fears of what had happened to them in the past. I have an idea or two on how to fix it, but it will break my plot for book 5. I don’t want to write book 4 until I know I can fix all the books, so I’ve decided to park book 4 and return to books 4-6 later. This means I’m switching to my Urban Fantasy series a little earlier than expected.

What did I get done in week 4?

  • Book 4 Shorts Edits * 3
  • Book 4 Draft 1 continued
  • Coalition of Seers Book 1 (Blurred Lines) beta edit begins!

Blurred lines has started great. It’s been through 4 drafts already, and it went to beta readers in 2022 before I switched all my focus to the Highland Rift Pack Series. There are a few bad habits that I’ve smoothed out since I wrote this draft, and I’ve got a bit of work to do to smooth those out, but so far, after reading chapters 1-5, I’ve not seen any significant issues.

What’s coming next week?

  • COS Book 1 – Blurred Lines Beta Edit Continued – Hopefully, I will get through the re-read before the end of next week and start the edit.

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