Week 3 progress – Finished Book 3 edit!

Week 3 progress

Week 3 progress has been fantastic. It flowed well and felt easy, and I got a ton done. I always love it when I can make a list of accomplishments like this; with writing longer content, it doesn’t happen that often.

  • Book 2 – Proof Edit is done, and I’m looking for ARC readers – find out more here https://jemmaweir.com/looking-for-arc-readers-for-book-2/
  • Book 3 – Edit is completed and sent away to my Copy Editor.
  • Book 3 prequel – 2 short stories edited.
  • I’ve also formatted book 3, created the paperback cover, and updated all the pre-orders.

What’s coming next week?

  • Book 4 Shorts Edits * 3
  • Book 4 Draft 1 continues

After next week, it’s going to be a few weeks for just book 4.

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