Week 3 went insanely better than I’d expected. I changed my routine, getting up earlier so I could do a few additional sprints before work. Just this small changed ended up with me getting 5 sprint (instead of 3) on average each day. AND I still had time to do an hour of so decorating prep most nights (If I ever see a sander again it will be too soon). I came out of this week with 47.3k words in book 2, and nearly 22k written this week. 🤩🥳
- Target – 33.3k🥳
- Actual – 47.3k
I’ve blown through next week’s nano target already, so I’ll set a goal of 65k by the end of next week. If I keep this pace, I should hopefully be able to finish this book the first few days in December, or by the end of Nano if I’m lucky.
This is not a pace I want to keep doing forever. I normally like to take a day off writing once a week at the very least. But for Nano, or a deadline/catchup, this works. But I do like getting the words in before work, and leaving my evenings clear for fun so that part I want to stay and fine tune.
How’s everyone else doing?