Word Counts for Week 1 of NaNoWriMo November 2023

Week 3 of NaNoWriMo November 2023 has gone better than last week, but only by a small measure, except for one day when I seriously considered whether this story was right for these characters.
Words this week were still hard-fought, and I didn’t always manage to hit par, but the rhythm is finally starting to feel right. Two or three pieces of the puzzle that I was missing fell into place as I was writing, and that made so much difference to how the whole process felt.
When I rolled into Sunday, I was down to 3 remaining scenes that had moved to Act 2, and I was finally able to get to them.
At this point, it looks like there are maybe 3k words that I’ve cut but will not be able to use (they are part of the nano word count). But I’ve no idea how much I lost writing and re-writing the broken sections, and I’m probably glad I don’t know lol.
Rolling into week 4, I’m hoping to not have to write for four hours instead of two so I can hit the daily word count. Here’s hoping nothing else is broken.