Week 12 progress – Broken Sight

Week 12

During week 12, I finished the planning for book 2 timeline and start into the edit of Broken Sight. It’s going a little slower than I would like, in part because I’ve had a few personal things on this week (red hair for the win!) that ate into my writing time.

I also got my proof copy back from book 3 in the Highland Rift Pack, so the start of next week will be working on that, before I jump back into Broken Sight. Then it’s going to be 6 weeks of rinse and repeat on Broken Sight.

 What did I get done in week 12?

  • Finish the final plotting of changes needed for Broken Sight and Losing Sight.
  • Start the edit of Broken Sight, the main book.
  • New Blurb for Highland Rift Pack Book 1, Buried by Earth.

What’s coming next week?

  • Proof Edit of Book 3 Highland Rift Pack.
  • ARC Copies of Book 3.
  • Continue edit of Broken Sight.
  • A writing experiment. More to follow.

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