I cannot believe we are nearly in to October! This year has flown by. I’m already looking forward to what I want to do next year! That may be my impatience to get Rift Bloodlines ready and out there.
This month has been up and down in progress as I came down with the flu and was unwell for over a week. But I’m finally feeling better and getting back into the swing of things.
Rift Bloodlines, Books 1 and 2 have been reviewed again, and Book 2 is ready to go to a copy editor. Next up is reviewing the prequels for Book 3 and then Book 3 itself so it can go to a copy editor as well. Providing I can get all that done in October, it leaves November free to work on a complete rewrite of book 4!
Apart from writing this month, I’ve got into Hogwarts the game. It’s basic around puzzle problem solving, but it was nice to walk around the Hogwarts grounds and play in that world. I am not quite finished with the story, but they’ve created a very cool environment to play in.
Don’t forget that Rift Bloodlines books 1 and 2 are now up for pre-order

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