NaNoWriMo Week one ends with me just shy of the target 10k that I should be at on the 6th. Considering I had guests this week, I’m shocked I got that much.
- Target – 10k 🥳
- Actual – 9.8k
Next week’s target is 21.5k, and I would love to hit that and more, but I also have some house DIY stuff to finish, so we will see how it goes.
I’ve been working on Rift Bloodlines book 2, and so far 99% of what I have written has been brand new, but that’s set to change next week as I start to hit some of the sections I can reuse. It’s coming together nicely, and the characters are following the plan… Well, mostly. The very first scene I planned got binned because I realised it wasn’t the right place to start. But the rest has been on point.