The cover is the first thing people see when they are looking at a book. It has to do so many things in a single glance. Drawing people in, telling them about the story, and what to expect from it. The expression ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ exists for a reason, because it is exactly what we do.
When I worked on Second Sight’s first cover, I understood nothing about what made a good eye-catching cover. There is still a lot I don’t know, or understand, but I continue to learn more, hopefully one day I will know enough that I can make my own, or at least some of them.
Once I decided I was going to edit Second Sight, I knew it would need a new cover. I drafted a design with the same image as the old cover, no one liked it, I had gotten everything about the cover so very wrong, including the image itself.
This was the start of a very sharp, steep learning curve. I had to take a step back and consider what makes me pick up a book when I see a cover. Many of the answers I got surprised me, and very quickly realised that I was not ready to do my own cover. Thankfully for me, Katharina Kolata at Independent Bookworm was part of the Holly Lisle writing community, and she saw I needed help. She has created the beautiful new cover I am now using.
This new cover brings in the elements of the eyes and the darkness, and it gives a very different image of what the book would be about compared to the first cover. I love this design and am thrilled with the result.
I have two more Stories to republish in the coming months so expect to see new covers for those coming soon.

My new cover was designed by Katharina Kolata at Independent Bookworm ( using Portrait by Stefan Keller auf Pixabay (
My old cover was designed by Emma Page – using Cover Art Image: Copyright © Katseyephoto |
If you want to read Second Sight, it comes out on the 31st of July. You can pre-order it now for only £0.99 at these places –
Amazon UK | Apple | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Other
Terra’s world is thrown into darkness and the only thing she can see is a death she fears she cannot stop.
To have any hope of preventing what’s coming, Terra must learn to stop fighting her past and embrace her gift, but as Seers start dying, is she already too late?