All For One is Out Now!

It’s that time again. Next up for Ernie is ‘All For One’. This book is out now on kindle unlimited or for 77p. In this story, Ernie’s world is turned upside down due to an unwelcome new resident at Gard Village – Senior Living.

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Writing this story didn’t go to plan, and it almost got binned entirely as I figured out the right order of events. But I struggled through and I am pretty happy with what came together. I hope you all enjoy it as well.

In other Ernie news, last week I was working on the last story in the Ernie Smith and the Seven Deadly Sins series. It was a blast to write. This story won’t be out to Christmas, so it will be awhile before you all get to see it. But it’s coming in at around double the length of rest and I got to let a large chunk of Ernie’s ‘friends’ make an appearance.

If you haven’t read the first story – Finding Death’s Scythe, you can download it for free by being part of my newsletter


Not all battles are fought with a sword.

Being retired was supposed to be easy. No drama, no family, no problems. Considering what he was, Ernie should have known better.

Lies, secrets, and suspicion. There is trouble afoot at Gard Village – Senior Living. If only everyone had remembered to turn their hearing aids on.

Accused of betraying his friends, Ernie fights to prove his innocence. But someone is not who they appear, and for once it’s not Ernie.

Now he must convince the others of the truth, or at least the part where he isn’t a thief; preferably before Envy forces him into retreat.

Ernie Smith and the Seven Deadly Sins is a series of short stories that will make you laugh and Ernie cry.

Don’t fight the laughter, pick up this book today.

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