Week 3 July Camp Nano ends in 74002 words! That’s just over 17k words on last week, so a much lower word count. It was mostly expected as I knew there was going to be a sticky point right inside the fight scene. But after much back and forth, the fix finally settled into place and it worked!
My writers group has been taking a peak at the beginning scenes in this book for me. I still wasn’t super happy with some of it but they’ve given me some ideas that will help fix my problem. So when I get to the end I need to circle back and fix that piece. It will mean weaving some changes through the rest of the story, but it fixes another issues I’ve been fighting so I’m pretty happy about that.
My target of 74k will be hit this week, however the overall length is now around 82k, and growing, so I’ve got a little ways to go yet before I’m done.
Keep track of my progress here – https://nanowrimo.org/participants/jemmaweir/projects/rb3-battered-by-storms-draft-3