Week 8 was all Short Stories. After last week’s hiccup with the Death and Visions Prequel, I managed to finish it this week. It’s still a little rough, but I think I have all the foundations in place. The Highland Rift Pack Prequel for Staci has been through quite a few drafts and was still missing something; thanks to my writer’s group, I think I managed to figure out what that was, and I added a few thousand words to its length. They will see this again soon, and then, hopefully, I can get it packaged up and ready to send out to you along with Oliver’s story.
What did I get done in week 8?
- Continuing to write Death and Visions prequel
- Edit the last short story for Highland Rift Pack Book 3 Prequel
- Added new buttons to my webpage
What’s coming next week?
- Copy edit or book 3 of the Highland Rift Pack
- Start the edit of book 2 Death and Visions